The Downfall of Professional Mechanical Engineers?
Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers . Founded on the year 1952. Its purpose is to unite and enjoin the mechanical engineers here in the country in the pursuit of professional growth. According to the 2018 PSME survey, the society of mechanical engineers consists of engineers between the age of 22 to 66 and above. In this blog, we will be talking about the issue that the country is facing at the moment. It's an inadequate amount of Professional Mechanical Engineers (PME) in the country. Is the number of Professional Mechanical Engineers enough to meet the demands of the consumers? Before we dive deeper into this issue, let's first talk about the difference between Professional Mechanical Engineers and a Registered Mechanical Engineer Registered? Professional? What's their difference? Well, a registered mechanical engineer means a person who holds an accredited engineering qualification, whether working privately or in the employment of an engineering public organiz...